Friday, July 12, 2013

Term 2 Reflection

Term 2 Reflection: Buddy Class.
My Term 2 Reflection is my Buddy Class, Room Nine. We go and help them with math and writing. Sometimes they come and sing songs with us.  Recently  we have helped them with their Dream Bedroom.  All term they have been saving up money to make up their bedroom so  they can put whatever they want as long they can afford it.  The highest amount someone got in their class was $4,500. That was a lot. The rest of the class of in the 3,000 mark.  Still that is a lot of money.

We had to add up want the wanted and tell them what they can get rid of and what  they can keep.  Then we had to say to them  what they want. They don’t need a 52 inch flat screen TV.  A 32 inch will be alright. There were kids that wanted a computer and an IPod. I had to ask them to change to a Laptop. It is better because it is portable. You can take it wherever you want.

Then we needed to make a running total.  Mrs Roil was there to help. I like it when she comes to help. She is the best teacher yet.    We had different buddies everyday so we got to met a different child every time we went to our buddy class.   All of them are good children. They all listen sometimes and they can be a pain but we still cooperate.  Some kids just get involved into their work and some talk and talk. Luckily we got the job done. Finally. All of them do their work and stay on task sometimes. It is hard to get them back on task.             

1 comment:

  1. Younger kids are so funny,they think their money can buy everything,im happy Mrs Roil helps you out when you need her
