Friday, February 22, 2013

My Biggest Achievement

Plop goes another drop of water. My step Dad,Mum,Sister and Step Brother were swimming lengths around the pool.   I  wouldn't dream of swimming that far. That's seven meters.
I didn't realize how big the pool was from in the deep end. It looks like eight meters. As soon as my Sister came around I was into it. 
The first time I went like a diver getting through the sea. The second time I did freestyle. I couldn't believe I achieved that.

Friday, February 08, 2013

Last Summer Story

Have you ever smelt summer?
Sure you have.
Remember how you went outside and you smelt nice, fresh pollen
for the first time that day?
That was summer.

Have you ever smelt summer?
Sure you have.
Remember  when you went to Wellington Top 10 Holiday park and you could smell the
sewer lake right next to the park?
That was Summer.

Have you ever smelt summer?
Sure you have.
Remember when you went to your volunteer work and all you could smell is
fumes from 5 diesel locomotives and you sneezed?
That was summer.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Blogging licence.

                                                       This is my blog licence