Friday, March 22, 2013

Keirunga Park Railway

Honk went a horn of a diesel locomotive. I was excited when I got there. I  saw a man named Terrig setting up  his locomotive. His loco and my Dads loco were chained together and I moved my Dads train not knowing that it was  Still coupled up to Terrig’s loco.   Once it was uncoupled I had to walk over the unstable  Turntable for a minute and trust me it wasn't fun. It was hard to push because the pump was engaged. Then it was where it was supposed to be.

Xavier, Me and Dad love trains and Xavier tries to help Dad get it ready for later that day. I was a the controls Putting the reaves up or down. It took Dad 20 pulles of the cord to get the train going then it went for a minute. He got really angry and even yelled in a grant. When Terrig came over he helped and thought that it was the spark plug. Once Dad had another go he checked the everything was all good. Funny that he filled the tank  with gas and forgot to let the gas go to the motor. No wonder why it didn’t go.  He blamed it on me.

When we got out onto the track it went fine. 4 laps later it was turn to drive a little bit. On my 6 go the signalman flicked the  points on me. It sounded like a machine gun  in slow motion.  It took 5 minutes to put back on the right track.  the track got wet when I went back out the track. It  started to bucket down. I was soaked. My Dad had to take some passengers so I had to come off. When he was coming onto the station he jumped off because it was too slippery.

It came to the end of the day and I went around the track to take in the signals around the track. They were in really hard. Super hard. The train had to  stop and start every 30 meters because thats how far apart the signals are. Then I had to carry 2 semaphore signals and they were heavy as a  elephant. Then I  had to go Into a shed that was only a meter tall and I was the  only  one that could fit into it. This was because  a log book needed to go under the drivers seat. It was hard because there were two tracks on  slim bit’s of wood. Then I went home to my Mum and sat down and relaxed.
The End


  1. Well done, Ethin you done a great job!

  2. Ethin you love your trains,i am sure you dream about them in your sleep,i hope you enjoy Easter weekend at the railway.
