Hearing Education.
Today Room 19 went over to Room 21 and saw Caroline. She is from the Hawkes Bay Hearing Society. She came to Parkvale School to tell us about how importants or ears are. Here as some perfect examples why we should do these things.
What to Do
If there was a very loud sound (eg Music, Speeches) you need to either Walk Away, Wear Protection or turn down the volume. If the music is too loud you can walk away and go to a place that has less noise. If the music is loud. Your can wear earplugs or earmuffs. This makes the music quieter than is was before. Last is turn down the volume. You cant do this all the time because you might be at Assembly and the Mic might be too loud.
What makes you hear, What is sound.
Sound is little vibrations in the air that go to your ears. The vibrations vibrate your Eardrum, Cochlea and the three tiniest bones in your bodies. They tell the brain what the sound is. In the Cochlea is thousands of tiny hairs. That is what vibrates inside the Cochlea.
Here is a diagram the explains what is the ear. 
Ear Wax.
Why do we have Earwax. We have Earwax to keep our Ears moist. It is not there to annoy us. If it was it wouldn’t be there. Ear wax is important and we should not taken out of our ears. If your cleaning device goes through your eardrum it would really hurt and can't work as good as it was before.
These are very important steps on how to take care of your ears. I hope this helped you for your ears to be healthy.
Decent job Ethin
Great information Ethin, I hope you look after your ears