Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I think Parkvale School should not have a Uniform.

I think Parkvale School should NOT have a uniform.

I think Parkvale School should not have a uniform. My Reasons: Its too expensive, People don't want to be the same and the Weight and and Weather effects others.

For Starters, the cost of our school uniform is too expensive. For families that are big, and they have to have a uniform for 5 children, thats a small fortune. Also, you have to buy new clothes every season, and you also have to buy a new uniform, thats heaps of money. New clothes and new uniform. This is too much  money for some families.

Further In, not all kids want to be the same. Some kids don't like to the the same as others, Some bullies will come to them and say “Why are you wearing the same as me?” and some people don't like being the same as their enemy. People can also get bullied because they have the older school uniform.  

Finally, Parkvale Schools uniform is heavy, the material used weighs down the student, and makes them warm. This makes it uncomfortable for sports and other activities, and when it comes to summer, The school pool is ideal because students just get too hot with the heavy top and heavy shorts, and badges weigh them down even more.

As you can see, its too expensive, People don't like to be the same and with weather and weight issues. I think school uniform should be banned at Parkvale.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What is in our Sugar? -Nigel Latta

Is Sugar The New Fat?
Nigel Latta
Now i'm worried, I learnt that there is heaps of sugar in day to day things. Even if it says “Sugar Free” it could still have sugar in it. Coke has 40 teaspoons in it, in a 1.5 litre bottle. Budget Fizzy has 47 teaspoons of sugar in it. 1.5 Litre. In the 70s and 80s Low Fat took over Fat. But there was no difference. It was exactly the same. People were stilling getting fatter and fatter. We watched this little girl, she was the age of 2. She had to get most of her teeth pulled because she had too much Juice and Fizzy. This made her teeth decay, and turned black after a while. She was only 2 years.

Straight after we watched the clip, It was Morning tea, and I felt guilty about what I was eating, was there heaps of Sugar in it???

We watched some more, OMG It was so bad it was not funny. Nigel got 3 bottles of Fizzy Drink (Lift, L&P and Sprite) and said that there is too much sugar in these products.

I would like to know why is sugar in day to day products?
Also, Is Sugar toxic? If it is? Why is it in our foods?
Is Sugar responsible for Diabetes and other Medical Problems?

All of these Questions, and Conclusions is from, Nigel Latta, Is Sugar the new fat?

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Corss Country 2014!

Cross Country is OVER!

All of the training was for nothing, for me. Sadly, I didn't get to run. But I got to support My House, Hoiho! I was chanting and yelling out to the ones who needed support to help them run and to the ones that  were always in the front and who passed the finshed line in  the top 5. It was AWESOME. To see all of the children from Hoiho that one something, bring the points for us.


Journey Through the Legends Production Reflection!

Well, Its over, 7 weeks of hard work for Nga Rakau Nui;s Production "Journey Through the Legends". It was about A Classroom learning about Maori legends. As they mentioned each legend, a group of 2 classrooms (from Nga Rakau Nui) acted out the legend. The 4 legends were, Rangi and Papa (Rm 19 and 12) The Ika a Maui (Rm 7 and 10)  The Legend of The Seven Whales (Rm 18 and 21) and Finally, Te Mata o Rongokako. (Rm 11 and 20) My role was a Linking Script Narrator. I explained what was going to happen in each legend, and crossing over to the classroom! I was the only boy out of 4 Narrators.

The Production went on for 6 nights and was estimated to be 2 hours each night. Here is some pictures of our production "Journey Through the Legends"

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The Battle Scene between Tu and Tawhrir!

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The Narrators of Rangi and Papa, With me in a Yellow hat down Below!

Thank you Miss Hill and Nga Raukau Nui Teachers for making the Production Happen!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Learning Logs W6 T3

Learning logs or journals let students keep notes of their thoughts and feelings about their work. A log need be no more than a page.
Students will have some time in class to complete it.
The most important thing I learned this week was....
I learnt that when you're on stage, and you're looking out, you can not see the people in the audience!.  

. What I found most interesting this week was
Starting the Production, The very first night was really interesting and seeing how it will go!

. What I enjoyed most about this week was…
I enjoyed watching all of the Legends as I was waiting for my part to come back on stage.

. One thing that still puzzles me is…
It puzzles me that sometimes, you can't see stuff in the stage from one side of the stage, to the other.

.What I need help with is …
I need just a little bit of help to not be so nervous.

. What pleased me most was…
It pleased me that I could perform without worrying about people watching me!

. This week might have been more helpful for me if…

If I wasn't so NERVOUS!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Production Poster.

This term Nga Rakau Nui are performing there production "Journey Through the Legends". As a competition each student had a create a poster. This is what my one looks like!

This is my Poster with the Location, The Dates, Time and Cost!

Hope you can all come to our production!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Learning Priorities Term 2 Week 2

My Learning Priorities

For reading I want to learn how to summarise better for my Literature Circles and make sure that my summary is good and true

I am learning  to make a recount of camp and I want to make them more interesting

At Extension Math we are doing Dream Bedrooms and I want to make mine accurate and tidy.

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Learning Priorities Week 1 Term 1

Reading Goal:
My Reading goal is to make good questions for my Literacy Circle role, Discussion Director.

Writing Goals:
My Writing goal is that I need to use more interesting fonts.

Maths Goal:
My Math goal is to make my dream bedroom with realistic measurements.

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Room 19 in a Robot (Picture Writing)

Over this week, Room 19 was given a picture and we had to write a story about it. It could be funny, sad and humorus. Here is my story. The Picture is Down below.

Parkvale School was quiet and silent but Room 19. We were building a robot to go to a competition that was being held in Windsor Park. Mrs Hardaker wasn’t in on this. We were gonna tell her, after we build the robot. We put heaps of doors for all of us to go in. The year was 2034 and everything was different. We made a password. Qwerty. Everybody had a job in the robot. The Eyes, to Claws, To feet and even scenic rides. It was a whole pile of fun. We just finished the Robot.

Mrs Hardaker came in and saw the masterpiece. As we could hear her coming into the cloak bay we all jumped into the  robot. “What The” she said. We all opened the doors and Mrs Hardakers mouth fell open. We all came out. “You guys are Ninjas” she said. “Hop In” Said Ethin. “We made a seat for you” added Corbyn. “It will be a blast” Zac yells.

Mrs Hardaker sits in her seat. We put here iPad on her seat to do whatever she does. We took the long way to Windsor Park. There was fewer cars and more and more miniature robots taking people around the city. The higher class people took teleporters everywhere. “So where are we going?” said Mrs Hardaker. “A robot competition in Windsor park. We want to win so badly.” Replied Ashley. He was in the scenic seat next to Mrs Hardaker.  

The road was so smooth and the robot was waddling like a duck. Before we knew it, Mrs Hardaker was a sleep. We were all older now. So all of Mrs Hardakers Children we much older. We went down the road and we went past a building. It said: Cutie Pies. It was a pie factory. Kayde worked there. He was grown out of his cute factor.

We got to Windsor Park. “MRS HARDAKER” yelles Jesse. “What What” said Mrs Hardaker. “He is still like his old self” said Ryleigh. Mrs Hardaker hopped out and directed it into a big hall where the competition was held. We all hopped back in and sat comfy deep into our seats. We waited for 5 minutes. A loud voice came booming from a microphone. “A BIT OF HUSH”. We were all looking around. “Thats Famillia” said Tyler.

We all looked out the window and there was Miss Hill. She was leaning on her walker and she had her milo in her hand. “Nothings Changed” Mrs Hardaker said.  I have been walking around and seeing all of the robots. But I have to say....... The Class of Rm 19 2014 won the competition. ” said Miss Hill. We were jumping for joy. MIss Hill Continued. “The reason why I chose that robot was because 1, Its from Parkvale School. 2, It has a good learning space and seat and 3. It has a Milo machine. Well Done.

That is the End. There is no more, but watch out because there might be another Rm 19 story coming out soon.

Inline image 1
This is the Picture that the story is based on!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Becoming a Leader

On Friday the 8th of Parkvale School had there school assembly. This assembly was special because they were announcing the leaders for 2014. All of the Yr 6's were excited because they had all applied. This assembly was very long with all of the other stuff that gad to be done like Room 3's assembly item, PRIDE Awards and much much more.,

The assembly went on and on until the end. They announced the leaders. It took forever. They started with Digi Leaders.  Cameron O from our class got Digi Leader. Then the Bankers, P.E Monitors and  Sport PALS. Aidan from our class got Sport Pal as well. Then Young Leaders.

Miss Hill announced them 1 by 1.  Miss Hill announced Nikita then Me. Rani then Zac and last but not least, Mohit.  16 Young Leaders were standing up there waiting to see who is House Leaders. I had to wait to the end because my House was last. Miss Hill said really loud "Gerogia and" then she paused "Ethin". I was screaming in excitement from getting two things with badges. Now swimming sports. House comp. its my time to shine!!!!!!

Now I am a Young leader and House Leader. A blue badge and a Bright yellow one (Because I am in Yellow house) You can see me an mile away.

By Ethin

Monday, March 10, 2014


What is the Cockroach? Are they Incredible? To find out it is all down below. We will be looking at Its Body, Food and Amazing facts about themselves. So come join me in this amazing journey of this amazing or creepy species.

The cockroaches body is incredible. For starters its brain is in it tummy. They start out as a ootheca. The Ootheca is a egg that baby cockroaches are born in. The female of the species  lays the ootheca. They have a large case quite like a Butterfly Chrysalis. There legs have little spikes the size of our hairs.

They have a wild source of food. They eat stuff to Paint to Wood to Glue. To be pacific they eat.
  • Glue
  • Wood
  • Paint
  • Shoe Polish
  • Soap
  • Plants
  • Other Insects
  • And  if they want to get drunk, They drink Beer

They are Amazing. Here are some general facts.
  • Because their Brain is there tummy. They can live without their head for a week.
  • If you squish a Cockroach, You will see all of this white stuff come out. This is all of the fat they store so they live for a little bit longer.

I hope I have given you a better idea on how Cockroaches really are. Yes they are incredible. They are amazing infact.   

By Ethin  


Friday, February 14, 2014

Learning Logs

Learning Logs

Learning logs or journals let students keep notes of their thoughts and feelings about their work. A log need be no more than a page.
Students will have some time in class to complete it.
. The most important thing I learned this week was: I learned how to write a Poem
. What I found most interesting this week was: I found interesting that Mrs Hardaker likes Valentines day
. What I enjoyed most about this week was: I enjoyed writing Love poems
. One thing that still puzzles me is: It puzzles me that I cant get my Writing Puch finished.
.What I need help with is: I need e help with making my poems more exciting
. What pleased me most was. Helping other people please me with there work
. This week might have been more helpful for me if I had time to write my Young Leaders and Digi Leaders application

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Hearing Education

Hearing Education.

Today Room 19 went over to Room 21 and saw Caroline. She is from the Hawkes Bay Hearing Society. She came to Parkvale School to tell us about how importants or ears are. Here as some perfect examples why we should do these things.

What to Do
If there was a very loud sound (eg Music, Speeches) you need to either Walk Away, Wear Protection or turn down the volume.  If the music is too loud you can walk away and go to  a place that has less noise. If the music is loud. Your can wear earplugs or earmuffs. This makes the music quieter than is was before.  Last is turn down the volume. You cant do this  all the time because you might be at Assembly and the Mic might be too loud.

What makes you hear, What is sound.
Sound is little vibrations in the air that go to your ears. The vibrations vibrate your Eardrum, Cochlea and the three tiniest bones in your bodies. They tell the brain what the sound is. In the Cochlea is thousands of tiny hairs. That is what vibrates inside the Cochlea.
Here is a diagram the explains what is the ear.

Ear Wax.
Why do we have Earwax. We have Earwax to keep our Ears moist. It is not there to annoy us. If it was it wouldn’t be there. Ear wax is important and we should not taken out of our ears. If your cleaning device goes through your eardrum it would really hurt and can't work  as good as it was before.

These are very important steps on how to take care of your ears. I hope this helped you for your ears to be healthy.     

Friday, February 07, 2014

First blog post for 2014: Room 19

This year I am in Room 19 with Mrs Hardaker. I have had a great start to the year. We watched a video about Nemo's first day of school. This was cool because we we're all feeling the same way as Nemo. We also got some smarties from Mrs Hardaker because she said we are all a smart bunch of cookies! And we started swimming, the water was refreshing on a hot day. Here is the video and some pics.
Our Smarties sheets. 

Room 19 and 20 swimming!!