Over this week, Room 19 was given a picture and we had to write a story about it. It could be funny, sad and humorus. Here is my story. The Picture is Down below.
Parkvale School was quiet and silent but Room 19. We were building a robot to go to a competition that was being held in Windsor Park. Mrs Hardaker wasn’t in on this. We were gonna tell her, after we build the robot. We put heaps of doors for all of us to go in. The year was 2034 and everything was different. We made a password. Qwerty. Everybody had a job in the robot. The Eyes, to Claws, To feet and even scenic rides. It was a whole pile of fun. We just finished the Robot.
Mrs Hardaker came in and saw the masterpiece. As we could hear her coming into the cloak bay we all jumped into the robot. “What The” she said. We all opened the doors and Mrs Hardakers mouth fell open. We all came out. “You guys are Ninjas” she said. “Hop In” Said Ethin. “We made a seat for you” added Corbyn. “It will be a blast” Zac yells.
Mrs Hardaker sits in her seat. We put here iPad on her seat to do whatever she does. We took the long way to Windsor Park. There was fewer cars and more and more miniature robots taking people around the city. The higher class people took teleporters everywhere. “So where are we going?” said Mrs Hardaker. “A robot competition in Windsor park. We want to win so badly.” Replied Ashley. He was in the scenic seat next to Mrs Hardaker.
The road was so smooth and the robot was waddling like a duck. Before we knew it, Mrs Hardaker was a sleep. We were all older now. So all of Mrs Hardakers Children we much older. We went down the road and we went past a building. It said: Cutie Pies. It was a pie factory. Kayde worked there. He was grown out of his cute factor.
We got to Windsor Park. “MRS HARDAKER” yelles Jesse. “What What” said Mrs Hardaker. “He is still like his old self” said Ryleigh. Mrs Hardaker hopped out and directed it into a big hall where the competition was held. We all hopped back in and sat comfy deep into our seats. We waited for 5 minutes. A loud voice came booming from a microphone. “A BIT OF HUSH”. We were all looking around. “Thats Famillia” said Tyler.
We all looked out the window and there was Miss Hill. She was leaning on her walker and she had her milo in her hand. “Nothings Changed” Mrs Hardaker said. I have been walking around and seeing all of the robots. But I have to say....... The Class of Rm 19 2014 won the competition. ” said Miss Hill. We were jumping for joy. MIss Hill Continued. “The reason why I chose that robot was because 1, Its from Parkvale School. 2, It has a good learning space and seat and 3. It has a Milo machine. Well Done.
That is the End. There is no more, but watch out because there might be another Rm 19 story coming out soon.
This is the Picture that the story is based on!!! |