Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Becoming a Leader

On Friday the 8th of Parkvale School had there school assembly. This assembly was special because they were announcing the leaders for 2014. All of the Yr 6's were excited because they had all applied. This assembly was very long with all of the other stuff that gad to be done like Room 3's assembly item, PRIDE Awards and much much more.,

The assembly went on and on until the end. They announced the leaders. It took forever. They started with Digi Leaders.  Cameron O from our class got Digi Leader. Then the Bankers, P.E Monitors and  Sport PALS. Aidan from our class got Sport Pal as well. Then Young Leaders.

Miss Hill announced them 1 by 1.  Miss Hill announced Nikita then Me. Rani then Zac and last but not least, Mohit.  16 Young Leaders were standing up there waiting to see who is House Leaders. I had to wait to the end because my House was last. Miss Hill said really loud "Gerogia and" then she paused "Ethin". I was screaming in excitement from getting two things with badges. Now swimming sports. House comp. its my time to shine!!!!!!

Now I am a Young leader and House Leader. A blue badge and a Bright yellow one (Because I am in Yellow house) You can see me an mile away.

By Ethin

Monday, March 10, 2014


What is the Cockroach? Are they Incredible? To find out it is all down below. We will be looking at Its Body, Food and Amazing facts about themselves. So come join me in this amazing journey of this amazing or creepy species.

The cockroaches body is incredible. For starters its brain is in it tummy. They start out as a ootheca. The Ootheca is a egg that baby cockroaches are born in. The female of the species  lays the ootheca. They have a large case quite like a Butterfly Chrysalis. There legs have little spikes the size of our hairs.

They have a wild source of food. They eat stuff to Paint to Wood to Glue. To be pacific they eat.
  • Glue
  • Wood
  • Paint
  • Shoe Polish
  • Soap
  • Plants
  • Other Insects
  • And  if they want to get drunk, They drink Beer

They are Amazing. Here are some general facts.
  • Because their Brain is there tummy. They can live without their head for a week.
  • If you squish a Cockroach, You will see all of this white stuff come out. This is all of the fat they store so they live for a little bit longer.

I hope I have given you a better idea on how Cockroaches really are. Yes they are incredible. They are amazing infact.   

By Ethin