How to blow up a balloon without your breath?
What you Need:
- 2 soda bottles
- 2 balloons
- 2 containers. 1 hot water, 1 cold water.
- An Adult or Tongs for hot water.
- Put one balloon on the Mouth of a bottle.
- Repeat step 1 with the others.
- Get your water ready.
- Get your parent on Standby or tongs right next to you.
How to do it
- First put your one of your bottles in your cold water. Then the other in the hot water
- Immerse the bottle in water and make sure that most of it is under.
- Just sit and watch and see what happens to the two balloons. HINT After a while the balloon will go down because the water got cold.
What actually Happened???
All of the particles in the hotter bottle were whizzing around in the bottle and the hot air (That Rises) went into the balloon because the air has already taken up the room in the bottle. While the other balloon was staying at the same rate as it was at the start because the water was cold. It was in a state on an inertia while the other bottle was heating up. As for the particles, after a while they will stop and make the balloon go down because the water has gone cold and the air has come down from the balloon. From here you can tip out your water and pack up your experiment.
Here is a Diagram on what happened.
Hot Water Cold Water

Here is a Diagram on what happened.
Hot Water Cold Water