If your tramping and your partners body temperature happens to fall to 35 degrees or under they may have hypothermia. . Follow these simple steps to help them get back to health.
You may have got this because you drink too much alcohol and get cold or fall in freezing water, or suffer from coldness or heat loss. If you have been in the cold for too long you could get heat loss and your body will get colder and colder and you will get hypothermia. Also if you drink too much cold alcohol it will take all your heat and flood your immune system and you could get hyporthermia
How to know that you have Hypothermia is that when they start shivering constantly. Then they might get really tired or low energy. Their skkn might go Cold or pale . They might could start breathing real fast as well. When you get these symptoms all you need to do is call for help or call a doctor. They should know what to do hopefully.
How to treat.
When you have Hypothermia you need to take of any wet clothes they have on. Don't put them right into a hot bath or right next to fire. It’s the wrong thing to do. You need to put them around some warm people or put the in a warm room. You need to take the temperature of the person and compare it to this chart.
Normal body temperature. Feel cold you still might have hypothermia
You might have mild Hypothermia. They might seem drunk or shiver.
Moderate Hypothermia. Uncontrollable shivering
Severe Hypothermia. Unconscious, cold skin or Skin might be pale or pink.
Severe Hypothermia. You victim might be dead, pupils dilated or no breathing.